These are supplied with a pack of three elastics.
A New concept in better bit indication plus a bit more! The STEADI-TIP is mounted on a bankstick and positioned by the water's edge as you would a target board.
Place the tip of your feeder rod against the vertical elastic. This keeps it steady in high winds and wave movement and also prevents fine tips from becoming ineffective due to undertow.
Select from 3 options of elastic fine, medium or heavy to suit the conditions. This is far easier than swapping rod tips around just because the wind got up! Your STEADI-TIP also acts as a target board.
Even the shyest of bites can be seen by movements between the tip of your rod and the elastic, even in rough conditions. Instructions included.
Website design in Cambridgeshire by Vibrance
Feeder Body Sizes (approximate)
Body Size | Length (mm) | Diameter (mm) |
Micro (wire cage only) | 20 | 15 |
Mini | 23 | 20 |
Small | 33 | 25 |
Medium | 40 | 28 |
Large | 45 | 33 |
Jumbo | 45 | 45 |